What does school expect?
There is a direct link between attendance and attainment. In particular, attendance rates that fall below 90% (19 missed days) over the school year gives serious cause for concern. We are striving to improve attendance across the school with added focus being given to children whose attendance falls below 90%.
Attendance% Days Missed
100% 0
95% 10
90% 19
85% 29
Quite simply, every day your child is absent impacts on their education and opportunities to enhance their future.
As a parent/carer, you have a legal responsibility to ensure that your child attends school regularly.
If your child misses school, they may also:
Feel left out/isolated
Struggle to maintain friendships
Fall behind with their work
Miss educational visits
We expect that children will be in school unless they are too ill to leave the house or have an infectious illness that would be easily spread to others. School can advise on when your child can return to school, or you can check online at Public Heath England by following the link below.
The Healthier Together Website is a good place to find accurate and trusted NHS healthcare advice in the North East and North Cumbria.
No holidays in term time will be authorised and may result in a fixed penalty notice (fine).
Changes to legal guidance for schools took effect on the 19th August and the main points are outlined in the leaflet from the Attendance Service (please see attached). Fines are increasing and there are stricter guidelines in place for schools to monitor attendance.
Term dates can be found in this section of the website or in the Parents section.
Birthdays, haircuts, needing new shoes etc can all be done after school or at the weekend. Dentist and doctors appointments should ideally be made for after school, but if this is not possible, please bring your child to school, collect them for the appointment and then bring them back afterwards. We will ask to see the appointment card also.
If we work together, we can help your child to feel happy, secure and be a successful learner.