Our Vision and Values

At St John’s Primary School we believe that learning is a shared lifelong experience. Our vision is to create an environment which enables all members of our community to be successful, inspired and equipped with the skills for life.

Our curriculum teaches children the values needed to grow up as a responsible, caring, hard working and tolerant citizen. These are widely referred to as 'British Values' but our understood by all members of our school to be 'Our Core Values.'

Respect and Tolerance

All members of the St John's school community are expected to behave respectfully towards one another. We are lucky that our families come from countries all around the world and that we each bring with us varied and rich backgrounds, cultures and beliefs. We take time to learn about each other and celebrate our differences. All different, all equal. We will actively challenge pupils, staff or parents expressing opinions contrary to fundamental British Values, including ‘extremist’ views.



Our school motto is 'Learning to live, living to learn.' By this, we acknowledge that everyone in our school community is a lifelong learner. Every day we learn something new. Our curriculum teaches children the skills they will need for the future: to communicate in a range of ways; to question and inquire; to problem-solve; to develop our talents and interests; to stay safe. Our parents, too, are active learners in our school. We offer a wide range of adult learning courses and support parents to achieve success. Staff at St John's are always looking to improve what we do and find new ways to make the curriculum lively and relevant for our children. Learning new skills is seldom easy, but we enjoy a challenge and at St John's you will never hear the phrase 'I can't.'



Parents, pupils and staff all help to shape St John's. Our recent House Captain elections were a great success, with children taking a mature approach to the campaign process and ballot. The House Captains meet every four weeks with the Headteacher and Deputy Head to discuss issues affecting the children such as attendance and punctuality, school clubs, behaviour etc. It is a formal meeting, chaired and minuted by one of the children. The House Captains take their roles very seriously and have  recently instigated improvements such as 'late gate,' house competitions and each week announce the results of the House Attendance in assembly. 


Individual Liberty

Within school, pupils are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. As a school we educate and provide boundaries for young pupils to make choices safely, through provision of a safe environment and empowering education.  Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and advised how to exercise these safely, for example through our E-Safety and PSHE lessons.


What we believe  How we teach
All different, all equal.
Our school community is diverse and reflects many different religions, races and cultural backgrounds.
We celebrate our differences and learn as much as possible about each other, understanding that each of us are special and we are all equal. We teach tolerance and empathy and openly challenge extreme or negative views.
RE lessons - educating children to address misconceptions about religious and cultural beliefs and customs.
PSHCE lessons - lots of discussion, drama and role-play to encourage empathy and tolerance.
Mantle of the Expert - we explore 'Big Questions' such as 'Who created mankind?' and consider all sides.
We work hard.
Our motto is 'Learning to live, living to learn.' We aim high and work hard to achieve our goals. Children are taught that they can achieve anything they set their mind to if they work hard, persevere and never give up. Learning extends beyond the classroom and we offer a wide programme of training for adults too.
Regular school attendance is vital. We do not authorise any term time holidays and operate a 'First Day Response' telephone system.
Reward systems - house points and Class Dojo
Assertive Mentoring meetings with parents and pupils every half term.
We are honest.
We all make mistakes but one of our most important school rules is that we always tell the truth and accept the consequences of the actions we have chosen.
PSHCE lessons
Planning Room (breaktime detention with HT or Deputy)
We all have a right to be heard.
Everyone has a right to be treated fairly and to have their voices heard. Each year, children elect their own House Captains who act on their behalf to bring about change in school. Children regularly put forward their ideas and ask for changes that will benefit the wider school. Recent examples include a Year 6 common room, a shared reading area and a pupil-run writing club. Proposals are a formal process - often in writing to the headteacher for consideration before being put to the school.
House Captain elections
School Forum
Year 6 visit to parliament


Parents' views are regularly sought, through the half termly Assertive Mentoring meetings, through the annual questionnaires and through the valuable contribution of our parent governors.